Dragon professional individual for Mac version six this is the replacement to Dragon Dictate for Mac version five yet they've changed the name to have a consistent with the P PC products are now it's yeah dragon professional individual for Mac six really quick demo we'll see how we go with it I haven't used it yet so this is a good example of what you might experience so I'm going to start a new user okay the plus button okay I'm using the excellent and Dreier USB cord headset which we bundle with many of our products it's nice and clear you can hear me now on it to give you an idea of what the audio quality is like now of course it's a very important to select your accent you'd be surprised how many people forget to do that and their accuracy really tanks if they don't get it right so make sure you pick the right region for you okay I'll take it a few seconds to start saving the new profile and we'll go through the audio check and I'll just start dictating something from that I know from a website or something like that to give you a good indication of how it will work for you there won't be any voice training with this just like my video demo for professional individual 15 will just dictate without doing any voice training at all microphone check time click on this and speak in a normal way.
I'm reading this text out loud comma clearly and naturally full stop I will continue to use this time when I dictate with Dragon Naturally Speaking full stop new paragraph right now comma I am giving dragon a chance to adapt to my voice and audio environment full stop as I talk comma Dragon is checking the quality of the audio input and adjusting some settings full stop new paragraph good audio input is essential for accurate speech recognition full stop to achieve high accuracy comma I should maintain a consistent distance between my mouth and the microphones will stop I should also minimize background noise full stop I'll read this text in the beginning until dragon is finished I'm reading this text out loud comma clearly and naturally full stop there we go that wasn't too bad I'm going to get started by dictating straight into pages because that's a program a lot of people use they've improved the compatibility with pages and they've also improved it with Microsoft Word so hopefully you'll be able to see some good performance in so the first time I've used it since just doing the voice track the voice set up the microphone set up and I've done no voice training wake up I'm going to read from the ABC website to demonstrate the latest dragon professional individual for Mac version six full stop new paragraph Apple security fix : cap this desk why you should update your iPhone new paragraph are you someone who usually ignores your iPhone when it tells you it has a software update question mark correct a someone choose to go to end new paragraph that was a pretty quick and easy correction full stop the correction process was a little bit clunky in the previous version so that's a good improvement . we'll go back to the document.
Correct we'll go choose to go to end so it's use contextual information to make that correction nice and easy even though phonetically there's not much difference between those two phrases full stop new paragraph back to the ABC document full stop new paragraph a patch was released today to fix three exploitable security flaws which makes it possible to remotely take over an iPhone 4 stop new paragraph Apple was alerted to the problem by experts at the University of Toronto . who uncovered the flaws - which they dubbed open quote trident close quote exploit chain - in collaboration with security company lookout.
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